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What can you expect as an accountability partner?

Your help will make a very important contribution to participant stepping into her God-given freedom.

Here, you'll get an overview of what it means to be an accountability partner.

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More Information

How do I get the completed chapter overviews from the participant?

The participant has to add your email address to her profile so that your profiles are connected. It is likely that participant has protected her answers to the chapter questions with a password. The participant has to send you this password personally so that you can open the encrypted PDF. Once this is all set up, you will receive an email with the password-protected PDF after each completed session. The participant's data is deleted from our server at the same time as the PDF is created, so we can't recover any lost PDFs for you. Of course, we do this for privacy reasons.

What are my responsibilities as an accountability partner:
  • After the participant completes each session, please read the PDF that you receive from her.
  • If something is unclear or you just want to let her know that you read her answers. Be engaging or simply ask questions.
  • Be sure to encourage the participant to be consistent. For example, if she does not do anything in the course for several weeks, encourage her to continue with her progress. It is so important to work steadily and regularly because each chapter builds on one another!
  • Encourage the participant when she has setbacks. For example, if she has fallen in the area of pornography, contact her: Call her, meet with her, or write her a personal note. If she regrets her setback, express to her the forgiveness she has through Jesus. This, of course, does not replace confession, if that is her denominational practice. It is merely an additional support and help.
  • Encourage the participant to restart the online course from the beginning if she regularly and repeatedly consumes pornography or if she cannot stop certain impure thoughts. There is no shame in this, and it will help to further internalize the important principles. Years of behavior and thought patterns take time to readjust.
  • Pray for her. Take it upon yourself to pray for her during this sensitive time.
The 5 principles of freedom briefly explained:

God does not give us run-of-the-mill standard programs. We love that about Him. With Him, there is no blueprint, no box that we have to fit in.

No, He is a personal God and treats each of us individually. We have really heard many life stories of people whom God has led to freedom. What a privilege. When we compared all of the stories, we quickly found many similarities.

In the process, we have noticed that in addition to all the differences in the lives of individuals, there are always the same patterns. Biblical principles that have their foundation in the Word of God. These principles are the basis for our work.

Our fundamental principles run like a silver thread through all units. You can identify which principle is being focused on based on the symbol that is displaced at the start of each chapter.

The 5 principles of freedom at a glance


Motivation is the only thing that is really meaningful and effective.


Exposing lies and giving space to honesty.


Discard everything that weighs you down - without any compromises.


Recognize the truth; believe in it and hold on to it.


Standing in the new God-given identity.

Here you can read more in detail about our 5 principles of freedom and find out where they are anchored in the Word of God:

"We pray for you and your family, that you are protected in every way and no weapon formed against you shall prevail. We are extremely excited for new your journey with the Lord. He has prepared many wonderful things just for you. He is so proud of you and your life brings Him delights."

Yours truly, Generation Esther Team from free!ndeed

Do you have any further questions? - Then send us an email: [email protected]

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