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What can you expect as accountability partner?

We are happy to welcome you today at "free!ndeed". Your help will make a very important contribution to let a child of the Heavenly Father recognize his freedom and to build the Kingdom of God on earth!

Here we will shortly explain to you what you will have to do as an accountability partner and what you have to do to connect your account with that of your partner.


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How do I get the units from the participants sent to me? 

Now you have registered and confirmed your email address. Thank you very much!

Now the participant has to enter your email address in his profile, so that you are listed as his accountability partner with us. At the same time your participant has protected his units with a password. The participant must give you this password confidentially so that you can open the encrypted PDF. Once all this is set up, you will receive an email with the password-protected PDF after each session. With the password you receive from your participant, you can open the PDF. The participant's data is completely deleted from our server at the same time as the PDF is created, so that we cannot recover any lost PDFs for you. Of course, we do this for data protection reasons.

What are my responsibilites as an accountability partner?
  • Read the PDF you get after the participant has completed a unit.
  • Ask him! If something is unclear or you just want to let him know that you are reading his answers.
  • Be sure to support the participant to a regularity. Don't let the participant do nothing for weeks in the course. It is so important to work on the course constantly and regularly - ideally daily!
  • Encourage the participant when setbacks come. If he has fallen into pornography - then contact him: call him, meet him, write him a message. If he repents of his setback, give him the forgiveness he has through Jesus. Of course, this does not replace confession if it is included in your denomination. It is simply an additional support and help.
  • Encourage the participant to start the course again from the beginning if the participant consumes pornography regularly and over and over again. This is no disgrace - and will help to internalize the important principles further. Years of behaviour and thought patterns need time to re-form. We really want every participant to accept the challenge to be at least 30 days without pornography.
  • Pray for him. Prepare to pray daily for your partner during this intense time.
The '5 Principles of Freedom' explained:

There is no blueprint, God does not put us in drawers and does not give us an run-of-the-mill standard program.

No, he is a personal God and treats each of us individually. But when we compared our stories, we quickly found a lot of similarities. In the meantime, we have heard many life stories from men whom God has led to freedom. What a privilege.

We noticed that besides all individuality there are always the same patterns. Biblical principles that have their origin in the Word of God. These principles are the basis for our work.

Our central principles run like a red thread through all units. So that you can directly identify which principle is in focus in a unit, you can orient yourself on these icons.

The 5 Principles of Freedom at a glance


There is only one motivation that is really effective.


Expose lies and make room for honesty.


Everything that hinders must go - without compromise.


Recognize truth, believe in it and hold on to it.


 Stand in the new God-given identity.

Here you can read more detailed information about our 5 principles of freedom and find out where they are anchored in the Word of God:

We pray for your protection, that of your family and your house. But even more, we wish you much fun in the adventure of walking on the paths that the Lord prepared for you before the beginning of the world. May you bring Him much joy and honor!

Your team from free!ndeed

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