MEN'S MOVEMENT OF free!ndeed


We live in a time of increasing fatherlessness, which creates a lack of identity in many men. Mistrust, self-sufficiency and dependency arise.

But Jesus promises us freedom: a freedom that surpasses all, is possible for everyone, and enables us to live in our calling. You no longer have to wait! Take a stance-we will champion you on if you want to take hold of your true I D E N T I T Y in Jesus, so that

F R E E D O M becomes visible in your life and you finally recognize and live out your C A L L I N G .

Generation David is the men's movement of free!ndeed. We would be delighted for you to become part of this movement and to multiply what you have receive. Together we want to build God's kingdom - from the inside out!

Start with yourself and then spread the word!


Do you feel powerless in your fight for freedom from pornography?

Have years of struggling made you tired?

Is living a double life wearing you down and making you despair?

You can put a definite end to it!

Let us look together at Jesus, the one who has everything, so that you could live in full freedom. It is finished!

We offer you a powerful online course on the topic of "Freedom from Pornography".


Our intensive online course for adult men, with the goal: freedom from pornography. Face the battle for purity and freedom! You are worth it. Don't let yourself be enslaved any longer, but seize the freedom that Jesus has already paid for on the cross.

  • 30 units intensive online course for 6 months
  • Accountability function with your own accountability partner
  • Fighterverses to fight with God's Word in times of temptation


This e-book is an additional but more slimmed resource to the online course “Generation David”.

We encourage you to have a deeper look below the surface of the addiction to pornography and masturbation.


"God didn't set me free just for me."

We hear this from many men who are passionate about taking the message of freedom to the outside world.

We want to encourage you to be faithful with what God has entrusted to you. You can do that too, in a variety of ways.

Whether that's time, skills, finances, your voice, or other resources.

Would you be interested in starting a freedom group outside of the German speaking places? We have a training program in German - and now also in English!

God loves a cheerful giver! (2 Cor. 9:7)

Whether it's a recurring donation or a single donation! We are grateful for every investment in our ministry.

Share what you have experienced with God! Give testimony with your freedom story. Or tell others about free!ndeed, place us in your networks to spread the message of freedom.

stay in touch

We are still in the process of creating an English Generation David newsletter. In the future we plan to share: News, short inspirational thoughts and testimonies to keep you up-to-date and encouraged. We will inform you here, when it becomes available for subscription.

Take the message of freedom out into the world. We have designed t-shirts and hoodies for you. It's worth a click in the store! (only in German)

We have compiled some playlists for you on Spotify that are theme based.

There's sure to be something here for you.

We would be delighted to hear from you. If you simply have an encouraging word to share with us, a testimony or an insightful idea. We would love to connect with you via email. You can write to us using the link below.

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